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@User , I am the basic version of TarkovBOT.eu twitch bot. You can get me for free via our website https://www.tarkovbot.eu/


@User , {list of all commands}


@User , You can find our Goon Tracker at https://tarkovbot.eu/goonstracker


@User , Left: 00:00 Right: 12:00


@User , [PVP] Last reported location of the Goons PVP: Woods (report is 0h 25m 48s old)


@User , [PVE] Shoreline (report is 0h 43m 33s old)

PREMIUM!price lion

@User , Lion: 102,649RUB (Therapist) ● Flea market: 110,000 ₽ ● Price per slot: 18,333 ● [Price updated 25 minutes ago]

PREMIUM!pricepve lion

@User , Lion: 102,649RUB (Therapist) ● Flea market: 210,000 ₽ ● Price per slot: 35,000 ● [Price updated 40 minutes ago]

PREMIUM!wiki big sale

@User , https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/Big_Sale

PREMIUM!ammo M855A1

@User , 5.56x45mm M855A1: Damage: 49 ● Penetration: 44 ● Frag. ch.: 34% ● Speed: 945m/s ● Accuracy: -10 {DISPLAYED STATS CAN BE CUSTOMIZED IN THE DASHBOARD, 12 STATS FOR ALL AMMUNITION}

PREMIUM!m factory

@User , Night Factory: Raid duration: 25min ● Players: 4-6 ● Bosses: Tagilla [24%] Cultist Priest [2%]

PREMIUM!mpve factory

@User , Night Factory: Raid duration: 25min ● Players: 4-6 ● Bosses: Tagilla [20%], Usec [50%], Bear [30%] Cultist Priest [2%]

PREMIUM!boss goons

@User , Boss spawn rates (death knight): Customs: 5% ● Woods: 5% ● Lighthouse: 7% ● Shoreline: 5%


@User , 【Prapor: 0h 47m 20s】 ● 【Therapist: restocked recently!】 ● 【Fence: 0h 19m 11s】 ● 【Skier: 0h 37m 9s】 ● 【Peacekeeper: 2h 19m 9s】 ● 【Mechanic: 0h 51m 7s】 ● ...


@User , Weather: Sun [Updated 11 minutes ago]

PREMIUM!armor paca

@User , PACA Soft Armor: ● Weight: 3.5kg ● Class: 2 ● Durability: 50 ● Movement speed: -1% ● Turning speed: 0% ● Ergonomics: -1 ● Zones: Thorax, Stomach ● Material: Aramid ● Repair price: 106

PREMIUM!helmet 6b47

@User , 6B47 Ratnik-BSh helmet: ● Weight: 1.3kg ● Class: 3 ● Durability: 25 ● Turning speed: -1% ● Ergonomics: -1 ● Zones: Top of the head, Nape, Ears ● Material: Aramid ● Blocks headset: No ● Repair price: 478

PREMIUM!currency 659$

@User , 92,919₽ / 592€

PREMIUM!plate ESAPI level IV

@User , SAPI level IV ballistic plate: ● Class: 6 ● Durability: 55 ● Material: Ceremic ● Ergonomics: -1 ● Turning speed: 0% ● Movement speed: -1% ● Weight: 3.2kg ● Repair price: 650

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