Our Discord Server

Terms of Service

Last updated: April 18, 2023

Usage Agreement

By inviting the bot and using its features are you agreeing to the below mentioned Terms of Service of the bot. You acknowledge that you have the priviledge to use the bot freely on your channel, you are owner of that channel and that this priviledge might get revoked for you, if you're subject of breaking the terms and/or policy of this bot, or the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and/or Community Guidelines of Twitch etc. You further agree that we may remove your access to the bot at any time, without giving any reason, unless it is a Premium Service. Through Inviting the bot may it collect specific data as described in its Policy. The intended usage of this data is for core functionalities of the bot such as command handling and other features.

Intended Age

The bot may not be used by individuals under the minimal age described in Twitch's Terms of Service.


The owner of the bot may not be made liable for individuals breaking these Terms at any given time. He has faith in the end users being truthfull about their information and not missusing this bot or The Services of Twitch in a malicious way. We reserve the right to update these terms at our own discretion, giving you a 1-Week (7 days) period to opt out of these terms if you're not agreeing with the new changes. You may opt out by Removing the bot from any Channel you have the rights for.

Privacy Policy

Usage of Data

The bot may use stored data, as defined below, for different features including but not limited to: channel commands settings and command handling and web dashboard. No usage of data outside of the aformentioned cases will happen and the data is not shared with any 3rd-party site or service.

Stored information

    • Channel owner information (ID, Display name, Email, Login name)
      Selected settings selected using our dashboard
  • The data may be updated when using specific commands. Updating data will require the input of an end user, and data that can be seen as sensitive, such as content of a message, may need to be stored when using certain commands. No other actions may update the stored information at any given time.

    Removal of Data

    Removal of the data can be requested through email at info@tarkovbot.eu or contact us at our discord support server. For security reasons will we ask you to provide us with proof of ownership of the channel, that you wish the data to be removed of. Only a channel owner may request manual removal of data and requesting it will result in the bot being removed from the channel, if still present on it.

    By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies, which store some of your data for a better experience.